Simple and to the point. RESTful Architecture is mostly used to develop APIs and I've written many tech blogs about it. I recently pubished an e-book for the same Minimal API in .Net 8. also written tech articles here -
Postman is just a software to help you test your API and you don't need it to run your API. You can actually replace it with your own browser for your running API tests, although it is easier to use postman
Simple and to the point. RESTful Architecture is mostly used to develop APIs and I've written many tech blogs about it. I recently pubished an e-book for the same Minimal API in .Net 8. also written tech articles here -
I have one doubt. In the API running by use of spring boot without using postman it's possible or not.
Postman is just a software to help you test your API and you don't need it to run your API. You can actually replace it with your own browser for your running API tests, although it is easier to use postman
This is a simple and efficient article useful for anyone.